Let excellence become one of the habit series-excellent empl

Let excellence become one of the habit series-excellent empl

Check in on time at 8:10 every morning
10 minutes earlier than the time set by the company
10 minutes
Some people would rather squint in a comfortable bed for a while
Pinch to work
But she never
She often warned herself: the early bird catches the worm!
The work notes clearly remember the work of the day
There are fixed, phased, and temporary
It is said that the plan for a day lies in the morning
And she said
One day's plan is last night
Every day's work content was planned by her the night before
Concentrate on work
Some colleagues who asked him for work said: Seeing her seriousness, they are reluctant to disturb her.
After she heard it, she always smiled shyly and said: It's okay, it's normal work connection.
Good people usually have good habits and work styles
Next, Xiaoxing will reveal the secret to everyone
Rule 1:
Work organization is important
Can't grab eyebrows and beard
Reasonably distinguish from the perspective of urgent important, urgent not important, important not urgent, and not urgent not important
It’s more efficient
Rule 2:
Good memory is not as good as bad pen
Especially the more trivial temporary work
Make a record and look at the progress from time to time
Timely follow-up is over
Rule 3:
The financial system is huge and complicated
Policy changes every year and requires continuous learning
And use it flexibly in combination with the actual situation of the company
Continuous learning is the only way to keep up with the times
Rule 4:
No matter how busy the work is
Give yourself a certain amount of time every day
Can read a good book
Can go for a walk in the park
Can sit and meditate
Time alone is conducive to organizing thinking and insight into the world
Coming to the company for nearly 6 years
Everyone sees her growth
From entry-level positions to the door
To tax and cost accounting
Let’s do all the calculations now
Things that others need to complete in about 7 years
And she completed it in less than 5 years
Intermediate exam is almost over
The management accounting plan is on the agenda again
Keep learning and progress
One after another stage after another goal after another
I admire the sheer strength of research in her
Let people see the hardworking and enterprising spirit of young people
She is the company's outstanding employee of 2020--Qiao Yuanyuan!

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