Xingzhilu, Shengzhijia - Issue 14

Xingzhilu, Shengzhijia - Issue 14

Red Front "On Enduring War" - Initiative, Flexibility, and Planning
Workers' Home Warm Mid Autumn Festival, Sharing Reunion
Safety Promotion Factory Enterprise Fire Prevention Guidelines
The company wants to hear about the capital increase of state-owned enterprises, like a tiger adding wings
Staying up late in the learning garden is like burning the "life" of the thyroid gland
Get close to people with positive energy with employee style!
1、 On Enduring War - Initiative, Flexibility, and Planning
On September 9, 2023, it was the 47th anniversary of Mao Zedong's death. On September 9, 1976, a great generation of Mao Zedong passed away at the age of 83.
He lived in a turbulent era where mountains and rivers were shattered, lives were destroyed, countless compatriots were slaughtered by invaders, and countless families were shattered. The Chinese nation has reached its most dangerous moment, and countless people with lofty ideals are seeking ways to save the country and survive, eager to pierce the dark light of truth.
If we fall behind, we will be beaten. If we fall behind, we will be beaten. If we fall behind, we will be beaten. If we fall behind, we will be beaten. If we fall behind, we will be beaten. If we fall behind, we will be beaten. If we fall behind, we will be beaten. If we fall behind, we will be beaten. If we fall behind, we will be beaten. If we fall behind, we.
He said, "Revolution is not about treating guests to dinner, writing essays, painting embroidery, not being so elegant, not being so leisurely, being gentle, respectful, and frugal
Under his leadership, we achieved victory in the New Democratic Revolution and established the great New China through the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation. Under his leadership, we have the weapons of a great power, two bombs and one satellite, nuclear submarines, and the foundation for equal dialogue with Western powers.
His most shocking sentence: The Chinese people have stood up from now on!
His most simple sentence: Serve the people!
His most grateful sentence: Long live the people!
His most timeless sentence: Ten thousand years is too long, seize every moment!
September 9, 2023 is the 47th anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong's passing. Although he has left us, he still lives in the hearts of billions of Chinese people. Let's always remember him!
On the Enduring War "is a speech given by Mao Zedong at the Yan'an Anti Japanese War Research Association from May 26 to June 3, 1938.
The decisive offensive warfare on the outer lines of battles and battles, as mentioned above, centers around an attack; The outer line refers to the scope of the attack, while the quick decision refers to the time of the attack, so it is called the "quick decision offensive battle of the outer line". This is the best policy for implementing protracted war, also known as the policy of mobile warfare. But implementing this policy requires initiative, flexibility, and planning. Let's study these three questions now. I have already mentioned conscious initiative, why do we talk about initiative? Conscious initiative refers to conscious activities and efforts, and is the characteristic that distinguishes people from things. This human characteristic is particularly strong in warfare, as mentioned earlier. The initiative mentioned here refers to the freedom of military action, which is used to distinguish it from being forced to be in a state of non freedom. Freedom of movement is the lifeblood of the military, and without this freedom, the military is close to being defeated or eliminated. The disarming of a soldier is the result of the soldier losing his freedom of movement and being forced into a passive position. The defeat of an army is the same. For this reason, both sides of the war strive to take the initiative and avoid passivity. The quick and decisive offensive warfare we propose on the outside, as well as the flexibility and planning of this offensive warfare, can be said to be aimed at gaining initiative, forcing the enemy to be in a passive position, and achieving the goal of preserving oneself and eliminating the enemy. But active or passive is inseparable from the advantages or disadvantages of the power of war. Therefore, it is also inseparable from the correctness or error of subjective guidance. In addition, there are also situations where the enemy's illusions and unwillingness are used to gain initiative and force the enemy to be passive.
Now let's talk about flexibility. What is flexibility? It is the specific implementation of initiative in combat, which is the flexible use of troops. The flexible use of troops is the central task of war command, and it is also the least easy to do well. The cause of war, in addition to organizing and educating the army, organizing and educating the people, is to use the army in combat, and everything is for the victory of the battle. Organizing the military and so on is difficult, but using the military is even more difficult, especially in situations where the enemy is weak and strong. Doing this requires a great deal of subjective ability, overcoming the chaos, darkness, and uncertainty inherent in the characteristics of war, and finding order, brightness, and certainty from them in order to achieve flexibility in command. The basic policy for battlefield operations in the War of Resistance Against Japan is to engage in quick and decisive offensive warfare on external lines. To implement this policy, there are various tactics or methods such as dispersion and concentration of troops, advance and joint attack, attack and defense, assault and containment, encirclement and detour, advance and retreat. It is easy to understand these tactics, but it is not easy to flexibly use and transform them.
The ancients said 'the cleverness of application lies in one's heart', and this' cleverness' is what we call flexibility, which is the product of intelligent commanders. Flexibility is not reckless action, reckless action should be rejected. Flexibility is a talent of intelligent commanders who, based on objective circumstances, "assess the situation" (including the enemy's situation, our situation, terrain, etc.) and adopt timely and appropriate disposal methods, which is called "skillful use". Based on the ingenuity of this application, quick decisive offensive battles on the outside can achieve more victories, transform the advantages and disadvantages of the enemy and ourselves, realize our initiative over the enemy, and defeat them. The final victory belongs to us.
Now let's talk about planning. Due to the unique uncertainty of war, achieving planning in war is much more difficult than achieving planning in other undertakings. However, "everything is predetermined, it is established, and unprepared, it is abandoned". Without prior planning and preparation, victory in war cannot be achieved. War does not have absolute certainty, but it is not without a certain degree of relative certainty. Our side is quite certain. One of the enemy's sides is very uncertain, but there are also signs to trace, clues to observe, and phenomena to ponder. This constitutes a certain degree of relative certainty, and the planning of war has an objective basis. The development of modern technology (such as wired electricity, radio, airplanes, automobiles, railways, ships, etc.) has also increased the possibility of war planning. However, due to the low degree and temporal certainty of war, the planning of war is difficult to be completely fixed. It moves with the movement (or flow, or progression) of the war and varies in degree depending on the size of the war's scope. Tactical plans, such as attack or defense plans for small armies and units, often require several changes per day. The campaign plan, also known as the action plan of a large regiment, can generally end the battle, but within that campaign, some changes are common, and all changes are also occasional. A strategic plan is based on the overall situation of both sides in the war, with a greater degree of fixation, but it is only applicable within a certain strategic stage. As the war progresses towards a new stage, the strategic plan must be changed. The changes in tactics, campaigns, and strategic plans are determined by their scope and circumstances, and are important joints in war command, which is the specific implementation of war flexibility and the practical application of it. Commanders at all levels of the Anti Japanese War should pay attention to this. Some people, based on the fluidity of war, fundamentally deny the relative fixity of war plans or policies, saying that such plans or policies are "mechanical" things. This opinion is incorrect. As stated in the above article, we fully acknowledge that due to the relative certainty of war situations and the rapid flow (or movement, progression) of war, the plans or policies of war should only be given relative fixity and must be replaced or modified in a timely manner according to changes in circumstances and the flow of war. Failure to do so will result in us becoming mechanists. However, it must not be denied that there is a relatively fixed war plan or policy for a certain period of time; To deny this is to deny everything, even the war itself and the speakers.
2、 Warm Mid Autumn Festival, Shared Reunion
Summer has receded, autumn is as cool as water;
Time flies, time flies like a shuttle;
Twinkling of an eye
It's Mid-Autumn Festival again!
In order to enhance the cohesion of employees towards the company
Strengthen employees' sense of belonging,
As the Mid Autumn Festival approaches,
The company sends blessings to all family members.
Boxes of round and harmonious mooncakes,
Sunshine roses that are crystal clear, round and full,
It is the most sincere wish to everyone.
Everyone returned with a full load,
Bring mooncakes and happiness home,
Enjoy this beauty together as a family.

The moon is my hometown Ming,
Rather than saying that Mid Autumn Festival is a holiday,
Rather, it is a beautiful myth,
For thousands of years, the pulse has been passed down,
It is also an unforgettable attachment,
Carrying the deep longing of millions of people.
Xingsheng New Materials wishes everyone:
Happy Mid Autumn Festival, family reunion, and happiness!
3、 Fire prevention guidelines for factories and enterprises
There are many flammable and combustible materials in the factory, and there are dense personnel
One negligence can easily lead to a fire
Causing irreparable consequences
What are the main causes of factory fires?

Fire safety should be taken seriously
Life safety should not be underestimated
A thousand days of success in entrepreneurship, a day of poverty on fire
How do factories and enterprises prevent fires?
Send this factory enterprise fire safety reminder card

4、 State owned enterprises increase capital and gain wings like a tiger
On September 6, 2023, a grand meeting of all employees between our company and Baoji State owned Assets Management Co., Ltd. was held at Shaanxi Xingsheng New Materials Co., Ltd. The meeting announced the state-owned assets company's shareholding and announced the decision on the appointment and dismissal of cadres of Baoji State owned Assets Management Co., Ltd.
Baoji State owned Assets Management Co., Ltd. is a state-owned capital investment and operation company established by the Baoji Municipal Party Committee and Government to deepen the reform of the state-owned asset management system, establish a sound state-owned asset operation system, promote the adjustment of the municipal economic structure, optimize the layout of state-owned assets, and accelerate the pace of marketization of state-owned capital. The company undertakes the major tasks of accelerating the integration of state-owned capital and promoting industrial optimization and upgrading in the city. The main function is to manage and operate state-owned equity (capital), integrate and activate existing resources, promote state-owned enterprise reform, promote industrial structure adjustment, optimize the layout of state-owned assets, operate state-owned capital in a market-oriented manner, and achieve the preservation and appreciation of state-owned capital.
State owned equity is the government's participation in corporate equity to strengthen the economic strength of a large country. For state-owned investment, it is a positive news that every listed company eagerly hopes for. Listed companies that can obtain state-owned investment must meet the following conditions:
Firstly, the projects of listed companies are stable, with good operating conditions and promising development prospects;
Secondly, the significance and developmental potential of the industry in which the listed company operates;
Thirdly, in the process of operation, we are honest and trustworthy, and have a good reputation and evaluation.
The investment of state-owned assets will definitely drive enterprises to develop more flexibly, and their vitality and creativity will become more active. After private enterprises obtain state-owned assets, their capital flow, industrial innovation and development opportunities greatly increase, and their strengths are strengthened, advancing together.
Executive Vice General Manager Wang stated that September 6th is a new starting point, a new beginning, and a new challenge. In the future work, I will devote myself, do my best, fulfill my duties comprehensively, and fully fulfill my responsibilities. Based on the company's past management experience, I will focus on improving production and operation management, improving product quality, and stabilizing the market. I will strengthen the internal management construction of the enterprise, do all work well, and lay a solid foundation for the company's development. I will work together to achieve the established work indicators.
Introducing state-owned assets can not only improve the operational efficiency or efficiency of enterprises and promote the healthy development of the market economy, but also utilize the background of state-owned assets to expand company business. For state-owned assets, it also cultivates new profit growth points. State owned companies and our company have formed a united front and actively seek more favorable development prospects.
5、 Staying up late is the fate of the thyroid gland
There are countless reasons to stay up late, such as reading books, surfing the internet, following dramas, playing games, browsing Weibo, and WeChat, but your thyroid gland may not be able to move anymore. So how does staying up late consume thyroid lifespan?
1. Staying up late is the lifespan of the thyroid gland
The thyroid gland is located 2-3cm below the Adam's apple, in the form of a butterfly, resembling two armor plates. Although the thyroid gland in adults only weighs 20-30 grams, it is the largest endocrine gland that controls the normal operation of various organs and tissues, hence it is called the lifeline of the neck.
The thyroid gland constantly secretes important "weapons" - thyroid hormones. As a "speed-up machine" for cellular metabolism, thyroid hormones can improve the efficiency of organs throughout the body, but only if they bind to receptors. In the human body, the vast majority of organs such as the heart, gastrointestinal tract, and brain carry receptors to attract thyroid hormones to assist in work.
Guan Song, the chief physician of the Endocrinology Department at Dongfang Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that every stay up late consumes the lifespan of the thyroid gland. This is because staying up late can easily cause endocrine disorders and disrupt the body's immune function, which in the long run can lead to various thyroid problems.
2. The thyroid gland is not good, and there are 8 changes in the body
Abnormal levels of thyroid hormones can affect almost all previous organs——
Heart: involuntary beating
The level of thyroid hormone is high, the sympathetic nervous system in the myocardium is excited, and the heart rate increases; After the heart rate increases, blood circulation accelerates, and the overall metabolic level is "forced" to increase, resulting in organ overload; To ensure sufficient oxygen and nutrition in all organs, the heart has to work even harder, further increasing its heart rate.
Hypothyroidism is just the opposite. For example, the heart rate and blood circulation become slow, and blood pressure is low, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis.
Neurology: Emotions exhibit two extremes
In hyperthyroidism, the brain is supplied with sufficient blood and oxygen, and the sympathetic nervous system is excessively excited, manifested as a quick temper, insomnia, and hyperactivity; In hypothyroidism, the metabolism of brain cells slows down and the sympathetic nervous system cannot be excited, exhibiting symptoms such as depression, lazy speech, dull expression, and depression.
Respiratory: Severe hypothyroidism can cause respiratory failure
Thyroid hormones can promote the diffusion of oxygen in the alveoli. Severe hypothyroidism, especially hypothyroidism crisis, often leads to respiratory failure. In addition, hypothyroidism often accompanies systemic mucinous edema, especially in the upper respiratory tract, which leads to hypertrophy of the tongue body and relaxation of the tongue base, causing airway obstruction and hindering normal breathing.
Digestion: either diarrhea or bloating
The movement of the digestive tract and the secretion of digestive glands can be "mobilized" by thyroid hormones. Therefore, patients with hyperthyroidism often have a strong appetite, fast gastrointestinal peristalsis, fast decomposition and absorption, and often diarrhea; Patients with hypothyroidism have poor appetite, slow gastrointestinal peristalsis, abdominal distension, and constipation, which can lead to their onset.
Reproduction: Both eggs and sperm are injured
For women, hyperthyroidism is often accompanied by oligomenorrhea or prolonged menstruation, while hypothyroidism is characterized by menstrual disorders, luteal dysfunction, and poor follicular development, which can affect pregnancy; Even if pregnant, premature birth, miscarriage, and other situations may occur.
For men, disordered thyroid hormone secretion can affect androgen synthesis and reduce sperm motility.
Blood: Hyperthyroidism suppresses immune cells
Hyperthyroidism caused by autoimmune diseases can easily affect the blood system. The increase in thyroid hormones in the blood has a direct inhibitory effect on the bone marrow, affecting the generation of white blood cells or neutrophils, manifested as a decrease in quantity and decreased immunity, often easing with the improvement of hyperthyroidism. But in severe cases, once the patient experiences secondary infection, sepsis and sepsis may occur, endangering life.
Appearance: Eye protrusion caused by hyperthyroidism
Patients with hyperthyroidism often experience thyroid related ophthalmopathy, which impairs visual function. This may be due to the influence of thyroid related antigens on the orbital connective tissue and extraocular muscles, causing proliferation of fibroblasts and tissue thickening behind the eyeball, leading to eyeball protrusion.
Growth and development: Hypothyroidism leading to cretinism
Thyroid hormones are crucial for growth and development, especially for the development of nerves and bones. If hypothyroidism occurs in childhood, the development of the brain and bones will severely lag behind that of peers, leading to short stature and intellectual disability, known as cretinism.
3. Do 4 things well to protect the thyroid gland
The culprit for thyroid dysfunction is not only the thyroid itself, but also the difficulty of prevention. The core lies in protecting the immune system.
Avoid excessive fatigue. Negative emotions, excessive fatigue, and high mental stress can disrupt the nervous and endocrine systems, causing immune dysfunction, disrupting the "compatibility" with self antigens, and leading to the thyroid gland being attacked by the immune system. It is recommended to pay attention to the combination of work and rest, ensure sufficient sleep, and learn to adjust the mood.
Moderate intake of iodized salt. Unless there are special requirements, it is best for normal people to use iodized salt, and the daily salt intake per person should not exceed 5 grams.
Regularly check thyroid function. After the age of 35, especially for women, it is best to have a thyroid function test and thyroid color Doppler ultrasound every 5 years; Pregnant women continue to undergo thyroid function tests; Before preparing for pregnancy, it is recommended that women screen for related indicators such as thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).
Regularly self check with the mirror. Looking into the mirror, tilt your head back slightly to expose your neck; Check if both sides of the neck are symmetrical and swollen; Swallow saliva and locate the thyroid gland that moves up and down with swallowing movements; Three times, check if there are soft small lumps, small lumps, or hard nodules in the thyroid gland. If any problems are found, go to the hospital for investigation as soon as possible.
In addition, it is important to avoid environments such as heavy metals, ionizing radiation, and pesticides in daily life; Avoid estrogen abuse and be alert to cosmetics and health products containing estrogen; Actively exercise and improve the body's immune system.
6、 Get close to people with positive energy!
To approach people with positive energy and be friends with them, you will be open-minded and have a good mindset. By being with them, you can have a better future.
Never be with someone who consumes you.
People who complain are narrow-minded, take things seriously, and convey negative emotions to others. With such people, over time, you will also become a negative person, lacking enthusiasm for life, and losing confidence in yourself.
If you want to be happy, you must get along with people who can make you feel happy.
Don't be with someone who lacks passion and lacks ambition. They will only sigh and complain incessantly, playing games and watching TV at home.
But with someone with positive energy, you will discover the beauty of life, be full of vitality, dare to try new things, and be optimistic no matter what happens.
People with positive energy are mostly those with good character and high cultivation.
They do not haggle over trivial matters, respect their elders, and are willing to help others. They are open-minded, tolerant, and dedicated to kindness. They do not harm or harm others for financial gain. They simply behave and treat others with sincerity.
By being with them, you will know what security is.
With people with positive energy, you will find the world very large and beautiful.
Don't live with someone who is easy to give up, and don't make friends with someone with negative energy.
They have no dreams, run away from every setback, and give up on every blow. I would rather go with the flow than strive to change. By interacting with such people, your life circle becomes smaller and your attitude towards life deteriorates.
But people with positive energy will work together with you, persist with you, encourage you when you want to give up, and correct you when you make mistakes.
In the face of difficulties, they easily overcome them, persist to the end, and set a good example for you.
Go close to people with positive energy!
They will help you establish the correct values in life, and will give you surprises and insights.
They help you drive away the haze in your heart like sunshine, and they light up your path like lights.
They will help you walk a straighter and wider path, and they will make you a better person!
In this lifetime, with what kind of person you are, you will become what kind of person you are.
Get close to someone with positive energy, stay away from complaining, eliminate negativity, live a fulfilling and exciting life, and make life bright and brilliant!

(Some of the images used in this article are from the internet, and the above are for reference only. If there is any infringement, please contact our platform in a timely manner, and we will make timely corrections or deletions. Thank you for your support!)

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