Warm congratulations on the successful conclusion of Xingshe

Warm congratulations on the successful conclusion of Xingshe

On the morning of June 22, 2020, Xingsheng New Materials held the 2019 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. The company's leadership team, board of directors, board of supervisors, senior management, shareholders and shareholders' representatives attended the meeting. A total of three representatives from securities firms and law firms gave legal witness to the whole process of the conference. The meeting was chaired by Chairman Li Min.
The conference heard and considered 12 proposals including the 2019 Board of Directors' Work Report, the 2019 Board of Supervisors' Work Report, the 2019 Annual Audit Report, the 2019 Financial Final Accounts, the Profit Distribution Report, the 2020 Financial Budget Report, and the Amendment of the Articles of Association. Shareholders and shareholder agents at the meeting reviewed and voted on-site. The above 12 proposals were all passed and a resolution was formed.
Over the past year, the company's investment and construction projects have landed one after another, expanding new business development models, enriching the main business structure, and laying a solid foundation for the company's continued operation and high-quality development.
The report objectively analyzes the severe situation and existing problems faced by the company's development under the current normal epidemic prevention and control. It is clear that the company will further strengthen internal standard management in 2020, dig deeply, create high-quality products, practise internal strength, and improve service quality. Expand new areas of operation and actively create a new pattern of company transformation and upgrading.
Company shareholder representative speaking
Lawyer witness statement
The successful convening of this meeting condensed the wisdom of all shareholders and created a good atmosphere for development. It will definitely guide the company to make concerted efforts, forge ahead, and create new brilliance in the new era with new goals and new tasks.

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